Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Winding Down

The Spring semester is over in 9 days. I have at least one major project and four major papers left to tend to, and then finals during the first week of May.

I lost my apartment recently for non-payment due to not having saved enough money to make it through more than a month of poor scheduling at work. I stayed in a motel for a few nights until I ran out of money, and am now staying with a couple of gracious friends. In nine days I'll be with my parents again in Euless.

It's official, though: I'm going to London in September for the Fall semester! There have been logistical difficulties . . . my girlfriend and I bought a blue and gold macaw last semester who we love very much, but it perhaps wasn't the best time in either of our lives to take on such responsibility. To be fair, I wasn't in school and was feeling a sense of permanency in Waco. I bought the bird for the same reason I bought a kitchen full of fancy implements and an apartment full of knick-knacks: I hadn't been able to before.

Theo is a wonderful animal though, and considering the usual psychological frailty of these animals he is absurdly healthy and outgoing. He's also a friend, and I want our relationship to last the full 60 years of his life-span. The struggle right now is that if Diane doesn't get an apartment next semester, Theo won't have a place to stay. It looks more and more like she will, so . . . great!

It looks like I'll be pulling in somewhere between a 3.75 and 4.0 for the semester.
Cash in my lockbox: $0

1 comment:

  1. I am not even slightly close to living off campus. Not even close. It does not look like I'll be able to live off campus.
