Sunday, March 28, 2010

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Well, the reports are in. Disorganization seems to be pretty high up on the list of causes for non-productivity.
I've been struggling lately keeping up with assignments, money, and this blog -- among many, many others. I think that it's high time I added another level of organization to my life.
See, I started this semester keeping track of all my assignments in a cheap little planner, until one day I took it out of my bag and left it on my desk ... where it has remained for perhaps two months. That is going back into my bag when I stop typing.
In addition, I heard from a 4.0 graduate of Baylor's accounting program that he attributed his high GPA to treating college like a full time job. This entailed getting up at eight every morning, whether he had class or not, brewing coffee, and starting on his day's work, whether it was due that day or not. When classes came around he would go to them, and between them he would work on his assignments. He would continue to work on something until 5pm, when, he said, he would stop, whether he had work left to do or not. He would then spend his evenings as he saw fit -- sometimes going to a bar for a beer or two and sometimes reading history. He said he rarely had to venture outside of those nine hours to finish a project, but when he did he would, consistently finishing his work at about the time his classmates started worrying about theirs.
I like this plan, and starting Monday I will employ it. I endeavor to plan my days hour by hour, using this coming week as a precedent for what I should be doing, including additional tasks like working out at the Student Life Center and perhaps running two out of seven mornings. You know, healthy things.

Reports on other endeavors follow:
  • I currently have $80 in cash and approximately $30 in change. Rent has been due, and unpaid, for almost an entire month. Time for a Take II, needless to say.
  • I have reduced, but not eliminated red meat in my diet. I'm working at it, though, and I'll keep the cloud posted.
  • I'm starting a research project soon that will answer many questions we have about the exact expense and profitability of space travel. I'm going to be accessing some key individuals from NASA, the ESA, and some of the private space contractors here in Texas over the next year, and I'll be posting updates here.
  • I'll be studying at Middlesex University in London in the Fall.
- Brandt

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