Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Time in Spades

Today, this is what happened:
  • I woke up at eight, as promised, and brewed a pot of coffee.
  • By 8:30, I was at the library printing a project I'd finished last night.
  • At 9:05, I was in my first class.
  • At 1:20, I was finished with classes, and had managed a hasty breakfast somewhere in there.
  • Between 1:20 and 2:00, I was on the far side of campus trying unsuccessfully to convince a department chair to sign my course equivalency form ... I only need two more signatures!
  • After 2:00, I was on the phone with my parents, who agreed to lend me money for rent, which, as I mentioned before, was almost a month past due. Matter of fact, my electricity got turned off today. I was very sad.
  • By 4:00, I had finished all of my homework -- the only thing I had left was to study for an exam tomorrow.
  • Diane and I ate dinner around 5, ending my "work day". I wasn't scheduled at Diamond Back's tonight; I don't work again until Thursday.
  • After 5, I sent a text message to a few co-workers to see if I could take a shift from anyone before Thursday. I then turned on the PS3, and played Oblivion for WAAAY too long. Yay electricity.
  • My night ended with Wal-Mart and a late thirdmeal -- something I need to cut out of my schedule from now on.
The best part of today, I think, was the combination of coffee and getting up an hour early. I was just more alert for classes, and felt less beat up. In the morning I think I'll wake up at 8 and write then. I might be able to make that my blog hour.

I need to find books on the history and future of space exploration. I'm going to embark on my research project this weekend, and I just plain don't know enough yet.

I meant to go to the SLC and play racquetball tonight. I'll have to plan for that tomorrow.

I PROMISE this blog will get more exciting soon :-)

- Brandt

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