Monday, March 1, 2010

Raquetball, Part I


A form of capital punishment whereby two combatants are forced into an all-white, six-floored arena and made to fight to the death with netted fiberglass clubs while being bombarded with a rubber ball flying through the air at often ultrasonic velocities.
In nations that have ruled the use of racquetball too cruel for punishment, it remains widely enjoyed as a pastime by people who suffer from psychosis and the advanced terminal stages of acute masochism.

More to follow after work ... I'm waiting on a banquet at 6pm.

Well, I'm back, and I had far more homework to do than I remembered, so there will be no racquetball tonight. I think Diane and I will go to the Student Life Center Wednesday night and play then.

Work was short and sweet -- we expected 70 people to show up for a pharmaceutical company dinner (Thank God for spell-check), so we allotted five servers for the task of feeding them Angus flesh and quenching their thirst for fine wine. Only fifty showed, so the night was more than manageable. We each got paid $100. That, plus the change left over from my $10 daily food budget, went straight into the lock-box when I got home.

I ate two servings of Chic-Fil-A fries today, and to my surprise did not get heartburn. I did get heartburn from two flour tortillas I microwaved with Monterrey-Jack cheese on them. Come to think of it, the worst heartburn comes after a burger or steak or taco. Is it the protein, then, and not the carbs or the oil that's getting my gullet? Well, I'm going to dial back the meats and cheeses from here on and see what the outcome is -- I doubt anything but good will come of it. If it's to be meat for me, it's to be fish or chicken, and in quantities that don't define a meal. Wish me luck.

Also, $1,000 is too conservative. I've had two or three times that in my wallet on more than one occasion. If I'm going to set a personal savings goal, I'm going to set it in a place where I'll really have to reach for it.

Cash in Lockbox: $157.95
Personal savings goal: $10,000


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