Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cash is King, Part I

"Learning is to the studious, and riches to the careful, as well as power to the bold, and Heaven to the virtuous." -- Ben Franklin

Today I spent over eighty dollars. I bought lunch at Fazoli's for $10, I bought Borderlands for PS3 for $39, and I bought steak, tortillas, cheese, and pico de gallo for a taco dinner with my friends. I capped the evening with a six-pack of delicious Mexican cerveza.

Two days ago, I was struggling to make rent, and was only able to pay it after a miraculous night at DiamondBack's. I was almost a month late as it was, and rent will come due again in eight days.

I have one pair of jeans that are suitable for wearing, and my work uniform is rapidly deteriorating.

The solution to the formula above is obvious ... I must dial back my spending and increase the funds I retain. I make over $100 a night, three or four nights a week, waiting tables, and if you were to ask me two days after a shift I'd have nothing to show for it.

I have a steel box with a lock and a key, and from now on I will deposit my tips inside at the end of each shift. I'll keep track of how much I'm able to save in this journal, as well as how much I spend each day.

In addition to depositing my money into the lockbox, I intend to set aside $16 a day -- 1/30 of $480 -- for rent. I also intend to start out spending no more than $10 per day on food, though I suspect I'll be able to cut that into half or less as I develop my habits.

Cash in lockbox: $62.25
Initial personal savings goal: $1,000

P.S. -- Borderlands is everything I've wanted in a game for a long time.

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